Discography of Intestinal Disgorge

Genre : Grind/Noise Metal
Country : United States of America
Status : Active
Metal-Archives ID : 3500
Spirit-Of-Metal link :

Discography :

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Album title Year Album Type Owned
Savage Vaginal Shredding1996DemoNo
Confessions of a Whore Butcher1998DemoNo
Festering Excrement1999DemoNo
Ejaculated Whore/Intestinal Disgorge1999SplitNo
4-Way Regurgitation2000Split AlbumNo
Drowned in Rectal Sludge2000Full-lengthNo
Whore Splattered Walls2001Full-lengthYes (MP3)
Twodeadsluts Onegoodfuck / Intestinal Disgorge2002SplitNo
A Cockwork Whore Binge2005Full-lengthNo
Bizarre Morgue Party2006Split AlbumNo
Promo 20062006EPNo
Intestinal Disgorge / Lincoln Love Log2006Split AlbumNo
The Most Devastating Bands on the Planet2007SplitNo
Inhuman Acts of Sexual Torture2007SplitNo
APD For Dummies2008SplitNo
Intestinal Disgorge / Bukkake Violence Kommando / Ecoute La Merde2009Split AlbumNo
Malignant Germ Infestation / Intestinal Disgorge2009Split AlbumNo
Scat Slurping Shit Salesmen2009EPNo
Boar & Intestinal Disgorge - Collaboration2009SingleNo
Standing Naked Outside Her Window2009SingleNo
Home Alone2009Split AlbumNo
Endometrium Cuntplow & Intestinal Disgorge - Collaboration2009SingleNo
Anti-Female Orchestra2009Split AlbumNo
4 Way Carbonization2009SplitNo
Dripping in Quiet Places2011Full-lengthNo
American Cannibals2011SplitNo
Abject Horror2012Full-lengthNo
The Abysmal Morgue2012SplitNo
The Shadows That Stride from World to World2013Full-lengthNo
Splits And Shit Volume 12013Best Of/CompilationNo
Splits And Shit Volume 22013Best Of/CompilationNo
Let Them In2014Full-lengthNo
Lurking in the Void Between Dreams2015Full-lengthNo
Crowhurst and Intestinal Disgorge2015SplitNo
Life Sucks and I Blame You2017EPNo
Sonic Shrapnel2017Full-lengthNo
Everlasting Fractal Nightmare2018Full-lengthNo
Intestinal Disgorge / Inopexia2019SplitNo
The Depths of Madness2019EPNo
Scat Blast2021Full-lengthNo
Lovecraftian Early Era 2012-20172022CompilationNo


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