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2701MinotaurusPath Of Burning TorchesCeltic/Heavy MetalYes1999
2702MinotaurusThe Lonely Dwarf Celtic/Heavy MetalYes2009
2703MirzadehDesired Mythic PrideMelodic Black MetalYes2014
2704Misery IndexDiscordiaDeath MetalYes2006
2705Misery IndexDissentDeath MetalNo2004
2706Misery IndexRetaliateDeath MetalNo2003
2707Misery IndexThe Killing GodsDeath MetalYes2014
2708MisfitsAmerican PsychoHorror PunkYes1997
2709MisfitsLegacy Of BrutalityHorror PunkYes1985
2710MisfitsWalk Among UsHorror PunkYes1982
2711Miss May IApologies Are for the WeakMetalcoreYes2009
2712Miss May IAt HeartMetalcoreYes2012
2713Miss May IDeathlessMetalcoreYes2015
2714Miss May IMonumentMetalcoreYes2010
2715Miss May IRise of the LionMetalcoreYes2014
2716MistreatBattle CryRACNo2006
2717MistreatFaith And FuryRACYes1995
2718MistreatThe Flame From The NorthRACYes1997
2719MistreatUnfinished BusinessRACYes2005
2720MisturAttendeBlack/Viking MetalYes2009
2721MisturIn MemoriamBlack/Viking MetalYes2016
2722MistweaverThe AftermathMelodic Death MetalYes2003
2723MithotynGathered Around The Oaken TableViking MetalYes1999
2724MithotynIn The Sign Of The RavensViking MetalNo1997
2725MithotynKing Of The Distant ForestViking MetalYes1998
2726MithotynNidhoggViking MetalYes1995
2727Mob RulesAmong The GodsPower MetalYes2004
2728Mob RulesCannibal NationPower MetalYes2012
2729Mob RulesEthnolution A.D.Power MetalNo2006
2730Mob RulesHollowed Be Thy NamePower MetalYes2002
2731Mob RulesRadical PeacePower MetalYes2009
2732Mob RulesSavage LandPower MetalYes1999
2733Mob RulesSigns Of The Time LivePower Metal LiveYes2005
2734Mob RulesTales from BeyondPower MetalYes2016
2735Mob RulesTemple Of Two SunsPower MetalYes2000
2736MolothНепоколебимая вераNSBMYes2009
2737MolothСага о чёрном маршеNSBMYes2013
2738MolothЧёрным крыломNSBMYes2004
2739MonarqueAd NauseamBlack MetalYes2009
2740MonarqueFier hérétiqueBlack MetalYes2007
2741Mononc' Serge & AnonymusL'Académie du MassacreMetalYes2003
2742MonumentRenegadesPower MetalYes2014
2743Moon And Azure ShadowAge of Darkness and FrostEpic/Atmospheric Black MetalYes2019
2744Moon And Azure ShadowMoon and Azure ShadowEpic/Atmospheric Black MetalYes2012
2745Moonblood...of Lunar Passion and Sombre BloodEpic Black MetalYes2015
2746MoonbloodBlut Und KriegEpic Black MetalYes1997
2747MoonbloodSiegfried (Die Sage Vom Helden)Epic Black MetalYes1995
2748MoonbloodThe Winter Falls Over The LandEpic Black MetalYes1995
2749Moongates GuardianIn the BeginningEpic Black MetalYes2014
2750MoonlyghtProgressive DarknessMelodic Black MetalNo2002
2751MoonlyghtReturn to DesolationMelodic Black MetalYes2015
2752MoonlyghtShiningMelodic Black MetalYes2008
2753MoonsorrowJumalten aikaBlack/Folk MetalYes2016
2754MoonsorrowKivenkantajaBlack/Folk MetalYes2003
2755MoonsorrowSuden UniBlack/Folk MetalYes2001
2756MoonsorrowV: HävitettyBlack/Folk MetalNo2007
2757MoonsorrowVarjoina Kuljemme Kuolleiden MaassaBlack/Folk MetalYes2011
2758MoonsorrowVerisäkeetBlack/Folk MetalYes2005
2759MoonsorrowVoimasta Ja KunniastaBlack/Folk MetalYes2001
2760MoonspellIrreligiousGothic MetalYes1996
2761MoraviusKing's GravePower MetalYes2007
2762Morbid AngelGateways To AnnihilationDeath MetalYes2000
2763MordaehothBloedwraak - Verdoem Al 't Christelijk LevenPagan Black MetalYes2003
2764MordaehothEens Weer Prevaleert Het Heidens HartPagan Black MetalYes2010
2765More Than A ThousandVol.5 - Lost at HomeMetalcoreYes2014
2766More Than LifeWhat's Left Of MeMetalcoreYes2014
2767MorgueBonecrunchBrutal Death MetalNo1999
2768MorgulLost In Shadows GreyBlack MetalYes1997
2769MorifadeImaginariumPower MetalYes2002
2770MorifadePossession Of PowerPower MetalNo1999
2771Morning DwellMorning DwellPower MetalYes2014
2772Morning DwellThe Guardians of TimePower MetalYes2016
2773MorningstarKalevala MysticismPower MetalNo2002
2774MorokIn The Forests Of SlaviaPagan Black MetalYes2008
2775MorriganCeltsBlack MetalYes2003
2776MorriganHeadcultBlack MetalYes2005
2777Mors Principium Est...and Death Said LiveMelodic Death MetalYes2012
2778Mors Principium EstDawn of the 5th EraMelodic Death MetalYes2014
2779Mors Principium EstInhumanityMelodic Death MetalYes2003
2780Mors Principium EstLiberation = TerminationMelodic Death MetalYes2007
2781Mors Principium EstThe UnbornMelodic Death MetalYes2005
2782MorticianChainsaw DismembermentDeath/Grind MetalYes1999
2783MortualiaWild, Wild MiseryBlack MetalYes2016
2784MoshpitMirror Of An Unbroken FaithNS HardcoreNo2007
2785MotorjesusElectric RevelationPower MetalYes2014
2786Moulin BanalLe Rythme du maréchal ferrantBlack MetalYes2019
2787MunruthelОриянские сказаньяBlack/Folk MetalYes1999
2788MunruthelЭпоха ВодолеяBlack/Folk MetalYes2006
2789Murphy's LawBack With A BongPunkYes1989
2790Murphy's LawMurphy's LawPunkYes1986
2792MütiilationRemains Of A Ruined, Dead, Cursed SoulBlack MetalYes1999
2793MütiilationVampires Of Black Imperial BloodBlack MetalYes1995
2794My Bitter EndA Thin Line Between Heaven and HereMetalcoreYes2003
2795My Bitter EndNostalgic SentimentsMetalcoreYes2013
2796My Bitter EndThe RenovationMetalcoreYes2007
2797My Dear AddictionKill the SilenceMelodic Death MetalYes2016
2798My Dear AddictionNew BloodMelodic Death MetalYes2010
2799My Dying BrideThe Dreadful HoursDoom MetalYes2001
2800My Ticket HomeStrangers OnlyMetalcoreYes2013
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